Canada's public registries at your fingertips

Regy™ is Canada's leading national search portal for law firms.

Corporate Profile Reports, PPSA searches/summaries and much more.

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National Coverage

PPSA, Corporate Profile Reports, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Bank Act searches, Certificates of Status and more

Technology First

We're not weighed down by a clunky dashboard and outdated software. Regy's technology puts you in the driver's seat running searches.

Exceptional Value

Transparent search pricing:
PPSA searches/summaries, starting at $39 + tax
Corporate Profile Reports, starting at $33 + tax

Premium PPSA summaries included with each PPSA search.

Regy's PPSA summaries are generated by it's proprietary machine learning models, empowering your firm to save resources, spot legal issues and eliminate commons errors.

Built for legal due diligence
Review all registrations summarized in a user-friendly document. Turn a 3 hour review of hundeds of pages into a 20 minute task.
Formats that make sense
Copy, paste and format your PPSA summary results to fit your closing documents and client reports. Ontario summaries are available in Word format.

Regy is what you'd expect of Canadian public registries today.

Stop overpaying for antiquated and slow due diligence software. Let us show you a better way.
National Coverage

National coverage for PPSA/RDPRM, Corporate Profile Reports, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Bank Act, Certificates of Status, Executions and more.


PPSA searches include a premium PPSA summary at no additional charge. Need parsed data? Let us know!


Our search experts are ready to help with your due diligence questions. We care about why you're running searches.

Web Portal or API

Access due diligence searches via REST API or customized web portals embedded within your firm's systems.


Order searches when are where you need to - Regy is fully mobile-friendly.

Cost Savings

Regy's primary focus is on technology and we pass the benefits on to our clients. Beyond time savings, Regy's clients save up to 30% on searches.

Custom firm search and tracking portals

Regy can be accessed through custom firm search and tracking portals, providing all of your firm's members with easy access to run, track and review searches. Choose how your firm receives results, the recipients, notifications and formats - your firm is in control.

Regy is democratizing public registry data through technology.

Proprietary due diligence models

Regy's proprietary machine learning models are specifically trained to analyze and parse Canadian due diligence searches. We know accuracy is priority number one - that's why Regy's models have been meticulously trained on over 60,000 searches.

Customization like never before

Your firm is unique. There's no "one size fits all" with due diligence and that's why our technology is modular by design. We're here to help propel your current systems forward, reduce internal pressures and get you the searches you need how you need them.

Trusted by leading firms in Canada

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